Sulawesi Surprise!: A Similar Port

When you are in Makassar, sometimes, you would think you are in Java. If you are at the port of Paotere especially, Pinisi boats there probably remind you of Sunda Kelapa, the old Jakarta port on the estuarine of Ciliwung River. Pinisi boats are traditional Indonesian sailing boats with two masts. If you had thought that you have seen the same boat at these two places, you probably would be right too since the boats ply these two places to trade. It would not be too boring to be at a similar port again especially, if you are lucky like us - At the port of Paotere, we got to enter one of the Pinisi boat there and had a first hand look at what was inside. You'd believe then that you only live twice! 53

Come in and have a look at a Pinisi boat!

Traveling Tip: Nothing is similar!


Thomas C B Chua said…
The boats and ships reminds me that Indonesia is an archipelago, hundreds of islands.Tks for sharing. These islands always enthrall me as a History student myself.
footiam said…
The boats take us back to the era that has long gone. They remind us that we have a past!