Java Jamboree: Street Delights

I suppose you can find delights when walking down the streets of Solo. Keep your eyes open and you'd perhaps come across a poster advertising Sate Kuda or Sate Landak which I suppose is a type of food -like the satay we had back home -skewered meat barbequed over charcoal embers, only now the meat used were horse meat and porcupine meat and the advertisement claimed that they were aphrodisiacs. Then, you'd get to meet the jamu lady too, the lady selling traditional Indonesian herbal concoctions called jamu to pep up your health and well-being. And a school nearby may just beckons and you'd perhaps like my friends and I, zero in and get all ga-ga over schoolchildren playing in the school compound. We really had a fun and memorable time mingling with some schoolchildren and their teachers...

Can you spot the jamu lady and her jamu?-

Traveling Tip: Visit a school!


Thomas C B Chua said…
Always love to visit Indonesia but also always frightened by "Travel Warnings." Hope to visit Surabaya, Jogjakarta and a few other places this year. Did Bali last year. It's a picturesque island. Tks for blog. It makes me salivate.
footiam said…
Indonesia is such a vast country. Some parts should be frigtening. I suppose it is good to be cautious. There is a time when the people in Jakarta wanted to sweep out Malaysians; if you have read the news in the papers. That was after our trip there, thank goodness!
Liudmila said…
Mmmm... Did you taste that porcupine meat? What it is? Terrible...
footiam said…
No. I wouldn't want a porcupine in my mouth!
Liudmila said…
I was once in a Franch restaurant in North Italy where they eat frogs and snails. I tasted them. To have this experience. But...
footiam said…
Frogs I have eaten. But it is common to have frog porridge here. They said it cleanse the blood. It's nice, very smooth but if it is the garden snail you are talking about, we don't eat it here. How's the taste?
Liudmila said…
Similar to a piece od ììf rubber.
footiam said…
Garden snail? Not tasty? Then, why would people eat it?
Liudmila said…
You ask ME? Well, I think, the nations eating snails began to do it because they had nothing other to eat. Probably in the Middle Ages. Why not, if you are dieing from hunger, right? Till now this necessity became tradition. And traditions are Holy Scriptures for humans. ;-)))
footiam said…
It is still better than eating your own kind!