I suppose you can find delights when walking down the streets of Solo. Keep your eyes open and you'd perhaps come across a poster advertising Sate Kuda or Sate Landak which I suppose is a type of food -like the satay we had back home -skewered meat barbequed over charcoal embers, only now the meat used were horse meat and porcupine meat and the advertisement claimed that they were aphrodisiacs. Then, you'd get to meet the jamu lady too, the lady selling traditional Indonesian herbal concoctions called jamu to pep up your health and well-being. And a school nearby may just beckons and you'd perhaps like my friends and I, zero in and get all ga-ga over schoolchildren playing in the school compound. We really had a fun and memorable time mingling with some schoolchildren and their teachers...
Can you spot the jamu lady and her jamu?-
Can you spot the jamu lady and her jamu?-