Can you spot a skull?

Hollywood movies might have ingrained in some of us that skulls are associated with sorcery, the black arts or black magic. Whatever it is, skulls accompanined with some mumbo jumbo most probably could kill, steal, injure or cause some misfortune or destruction to others - or is it just in our mind? - never mind, just that if you happen to practise witchcraft and need a skull for your practice, you'd love Tana Toraja. There is an abundance of skulls there and you could just slip your hand into a coffin and make a grasp for a skull that you fancy. You'd not believe that unless of course, you have seen with your own eyes, a visitor in a burial site making a grab for a skull. The visitor even invited me to hold the skull. Thanks but no thanks! Torajans should not be afraid of skulls. After all, a funeral there could be held weeks, months, or even years after a person passed away. While the deceased's family raise the significant funds needed to cover the funeral expenses, the body of the deceased will be wrapped in several layers of cloth and kept under the tongkonan. Until then, the deceased is not considered dead but sick. That probably is an antidote for the phobia for death! 33
Traveling Tip: You don't have to try everything!