Summer Holiday: Taking Leave of Cambridge

qing qing de wo zou le  .... 輕輕的我走了... When my friends and I boarded the punt on the River Cam in Cambridge on a sunny summer afternoon, the young punter tried to recite Xu Zhimo's renown poem 再别康橋 Taking Leave of Cambridge Again. Cam River, originally known as the Granta is the main river flowing through Cambridge and  has its name derived from the city. Visiting Cambridge wouldn't be complete without taking the 45-minute ride on a punt on the river along the College Backs; drinking in the sights of such highlights as King's College Chapel, the Bridge of Sighs, the Mathematical Bridge and the Wren Library among others. Xu Zhimo, a Chinese poet who was a student of King's College in 1921 wrote several Cambridge poems and in 2008, a white Beijing marble stone had been installed at the Backs of King's College to commemorate him. After the ride on the river, we had left  In search of the stone but failed to locate it. So, I suppose my friends and I just had to leave Cambridge quietly...
輕輕的我走了, Softly I leave,
正如輕輕我的來; Just as softly as I came;
我輕輕的招手, I softly wave goodbye,
作別西天的雲彩。To the clouds in the western sky.
