Loving Lombok: Green Lombok

I remember some mornings when in Lombok, Indonesia, my roommate and  I would walk to an eating shop near our hotel  and had a simple breakfast. I suppose we had nasi balap puyung. There's no nasi lemak to talk of in Lombok and the rice we had; was served with chili, some shredded meat;  chicken, most probably; but dried shrimps and shredded and fried eel could even be used in this type of dish. Then, one day when we were scheduled to visit Taman Wisata Pusuk Sembalun, we were advised to pack our own lunch and I opted for noodles instead; and this I ate at a quiet little place where we stopped to have coffee and ate peanuts which a friend had bought in China. The place where we ate was rather green and there was even a medicinal herb, misai kucing growing wild in the area. Taman Wisata Pusuk Sembalun is a park in Sembalun Bumbung Village, East Lombok. At 900 meters above sea level, the air  was of course, cool and refreshing and the view mesmerizing. Mount Rinjani, an active volcano in Lombok, supposedly towers in the distance; but, no, I couldn't identify it. Sometimes, it would do with a good guide!

Guess what animal could you find in Taman Wisata Pusuk Sembalun?
