Krabi: You Just Have to Go to the Loo!

Wat Tham Suea, the Tiger Cave Buddhist Temple  northeast of Krabi, Thailand; is a sacred site known not just for tiger paw prints. There's a hill which requires a walk of at least 1,237 steps up a concrete stair to the summit which houses a large golden Buddha statue and a footprint which the locals believe to be that of the Buddha. Since we didn't climb up the stair, we didn't get to see neither paw prints nor footprint. We hung around the foot under the shade of trees, eating some local fruits sold by the hawkers. Just before we left, we hurried to the loo; an unattractive wooden building with zinc roof. There were two eye-catching oil paintings there though; the one with a portrait of Van Gogh marked the entrance to the gents and for the ladies, there was one which resembled Mona Lisa. I suppose in Krabi, one doesn't have to go all the way to Lourve, Paris to view Mona Lisa. One just have to go to the loo in Wat Tham Suea.

