Korea Tour: Approaching Nami Island


...and off to Nami Island!

Nami Island in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province is also known as Namiseom. Maybe,
seom is island in Korean. The island is said to be half-moon shaped but one probably have to see that from the air. That it is a river island is more obvious when one takes a ferry or a motorboat or a zipwire even. A first time visitor probably would be surprised to see people zipping away from a tower if not taken aback by the big crowd there. There seemed to be a massive jam as we near the island. Our bus seemed not even able to crawl. Our guide suggested  that we got down from the bus and walked to a restaurant where we were scheduled to have lunch. So there, we were set trudging again. People with leg problems would have a hard time. 

Here's a glimpse of what was in store!


