Summer Holiday: Lost Opportunity

The Scottish National Gallery in the heart of Edinburgh is home to one of the best collections of fine art in the world.  With some 2,000 works including works of great Florentine and Venetian masters of the Renaissance period, the gallery understandably has the most comprehensive collection of Italian Renaissance paintings outside Italy, A recommended time of around a three to four hour visit has been advocated but art enthusiasts may want a whole day to explore. For us who had about an hour or two, I suppose we should be counted as lucky to have spotted the works of some great artists such as Haystacks and Olive Trees by Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh. I remember vaguely our guide just introducing  a painting, perhaps Peter Graham's Wandering Shadows; after which, we were mostly on our own; thus missing out many important works of great masters including Leonardo da Vinci's The Madonna Of The Yarnwinder. Sob!


Traveling Tip : You win some, you lose some!
